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Mk.gee - Alesis
Mackenzie Leighton - All the Women (Bedroom Version)
Cayo Coco - Angel Mirrors
Orchid Mantis, sign crushes motorist - another life
Loving - Any Light
okaywill - Astral Projections
april june - baby’s out of luck again
Homeshake - Basement
Hockey Season - Bat House
My Friend Shawn - Best Days of My Life
Parks, Squares and Alleys, Melting Resonance - Bittersweet Haze
German Error Message - Blades
Waxahatchee - Bored
Gregory Ackerman - Breaking My Heart
Clay Orange - Bring You Back In
DIIV - Brown Paper Bag
Cool Sounds - Bug Life
Deep Dive - Call Me Up
Polarize - Camberwell
Vampire Weekend - Capricorn
STRFKR - Carnival
Mini Trees, Medium Build - Cave
veronicavon - CCS
Homeshake - CD Wallet
TTSSFU - Character
STRFKR - Chizzlers
Dent May, Jordana - Coasting On Fumes
Goosehens - Concrete Fountain
Still Corners - Crystal Blue
veronicavon - Deep End
Middle Part - Dial *
Alpha Gal - dizzy
Ford Chastain - Do It Anyway
heavy wild - Dope Gods
fanclubwallet - Easy
Chelsea Days - Ego Death
Blacktop - Expectations
Mount Kimbie - Fishbrain
Royel Otis - Foam
Cold Fronts - FOOL 4 U
Lapdog - France Dance
LOCO TRANQUILO - Friendly Matter
Vampire Weekend - Gen-X Cops
Grey Dugan - Get It Together
Sweet and Lonely - Goodbye Summer
Rose Brokenshire - Habit to Help
Phantom Sugar - Habitual
maxime. - harry houdini
Rosetan - hold me down
Loud Hound - Hot Temperature
Thomas Flynn - I Love the Rain, I Feel New
okaywill - I Think of You
Mokina, Jeremy Lachance - I Would Do it For You
Midnight Cathedral - In Yr Arms
Sleepy Gaucho - It's not always easy
Telegraph Hill - Jellyfish
Kaycie Satterfield - Jetsam
Earthware - Juniper Hollow
Chinless Wonder - Keepsake
Miicah - landslide
Ösla - Let It Ride
Jessica Pratt - Life Is
Mk.gee - Little Bit More
Dollar Store Queen - Little Hours
CjayQ - Lone Ranger
ØZWALD - Misfits
Ford Chastain - No Way
Davoli - Notes For A New Year
Beeef - Observational Eros
Cosmo Sheldrake - Old Ocean (Edit)
Fetch Tiger - Our Love Was Fading
Rikas - Passenger
Tushar - Peaches and Wine
Lime Garden - Pop Star
Siblings, quinn bee, Heavy in Pocket - Prima Donna (feat. quinn bee & Heavy in Pocket)
Basement Revolver - Red Light
German Error Message - Reground the Garden
Shuttle - Roll The Dice and Bet
Twin Seas, The Beckleys - ROMA (feat. The Beckleys)
Conflict at Serenity Pools - rosey dream ii
JAWNY - Running
STRFKR - Running Around
youbet - Seeds of Evil
Bay Ledges - Silver
Lagun - Silverdream
Vibropath - Snare
Tungz - Something Going On
Work Wife - Something's Up
Saving Miles Lemon - Spectacular Optical
Laney Jones - Stay at Home
TTSSFU - Studio 54
Swiss Portrait - Talk
Meadows - tall
Helenor - Tattoo
Scoobert Doobert - the cycle
Calm Canopy - The Paste
Chinless Wonder - The Seagulls
Saturday School - there's always you
juno roome - think you're falling
Holly Macve - Time Is Forever
Darvid Thor - To Remember Yourself
Andrew kamen - Trance
Motherly Jet - Trouble
Mat Elliott - Two Years
Faye Webster - Underdressed at the Symphony
Chayse Porter - Vertigo
SweetDreams - vhs (cassette demo)
Archie Blu - Waiting For You
Real Estate - Water Underground
Jane Penny - Wear You Out
Rainy Day Cafe - Who Will I Be?
sad dad - why am i like this
Flying Squid - Windego
Plum - With You
Vansire, MUNYA, JORDANN - Years Roll By