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Glassio, Beauty Queen - A Friend Like You
Nation of Language - A New Goodbye
PawPaw Rod - Again?
Panther Car - Alchemy
Lazy Daze - All Below
A Beacon School - Alone
NewDad - Angel
Midi Memory - Angel Of Death
maxime. - apartment402
Dirty Nice - Apple Core
Noy Markel - Bad Conversations
Goofy Geese - Bam Bam
Video Age - Better Than Ever
Fazerdaze - Bigger
The Beaches - Blame Brett
Garage Sale - Blank Again
True Blue - Borrowed Spaces
Cal in Red - Boyfriend
That Graduate - Cape Fear
Stevie Zita - Caribana Traffic
Ruby Haunt - Carousel
James Mantis - catf!sh
MURAL - Close To You
Wetsuit - Clovers
Munan - Comes in Two
Pale Puma - Constellation
Sharing - Curtains
Junodream - Death Drive
Rusty - Decided
Ryan O'Connell - Dog
Tommy Newport - Don't Mind
Be Good - Donuts
IAN SWEET - Emergency Contact
Yum Yuck - Escape from Paradise
Husbands - Face Molt
Sleeping Jesus - Ferdy
Bo and the Locomotive - Forget It
Tambourines, Weekend Voodoo, Boy Deco - Frankenstein's in Love
Peli Gene - Freeze Time
Wolftrap - fucked up blues
Paradise Blossom - glitter eyes
That Graduate - Going Fast
Video Age - Golden Sun
Anamoe Drive - Goodbye & Goodluck
Holiday87 - Goodbye Eyes
Ian George - Grassy Knoll
Robert Church & The Holy Community - Green River
Mindchatter - Growing Pains
Marshall Van Leuven - Guess Tape
Beach Novels - Hate It Now
Harmless - Hate Me
Plastic Cactus - Headsnapper
Pony Girl - Highways
Chinless Wonder - Honestly
PACKS - Honey
Cherry Glazerr - I Don't Want You Anymore
Jaguar Sun - I Feel It
Half Stack - I Might Try
Palo Sopraño, Chiggi Momo - i wish i had a friend named tom (feat. Chiggi Momo)
tomy wyne - I'm in Luck
Hotel Decor - I'm Not Laughing
Adoy - In Love
Old Man Canyon - In Our Own Way
Lev Snowe - In Routine
Alan Palomo - Is There Nightlife After Death?
Majak Door - Jasmine
GoodkidVik - jimmy neutron
Babe Rainbow - Juice of the Sun
Love Montage - KEEPIN' IT CLEAN
Yumi Zouma - KPR
The Kaleidoscopes, Shuttle - Kung Fu
Crumb, Melody’s Echo Chamber - Le Temple Volant
Fellini Félin - Leberwurst
Mt Vice - like a stone
Sunnnday - love letter
Woah - Manic
Swansea Skag, mykel online - maybe i won't get high
French Cassettes - Medium Horny
Coward Syndrome - Mithridates VI
Old Man Canyon - Never Apart
Sea Glass, Sky Adler - Nintendo Love
Rosetan - ok nevermind
HONEYMOAN - Pickup, Don't Pickup
Holysloot - Point Of No Return
Superparka - razzz
Bummer Daze - Reflections
Chayse Porter - Rolls of 35
Maddie Moon - Rosse
Echowave - Sad Dream
Yot Club, Jordana - Safe House
Blanco Tranco - Santorini
atmos bloom - Sea Legs
Pale Puma - Sea of Discontent
villagerrr - See
Miicah - serenity
Dirty Nice - SHARK!
Nation of Language - Sightseer
Mickey Newball - Sleepyhead
Shye - Somehow
That Graduate - Step Back
Frankie Cosmos - Stranger (feat. Bill Waters)
Wild Nothing - Suburban Solutions
Steven Van Betten - Surrounded By All These Beautiful People I Love
Maxband - Take-out Menu
TELECOMS - Tangerine
Famous Friend - Tanlines
Meltt - The Fire
Pacer - The Future We've Made
Tommy P - The One (That You'll Probably Forget)
The Pierce Kingans - To Lose
Andrew kamen - Transitions
((( O ))) - TRAVELIN'
Virgo Rising - Tristan
Maple Glider - Two Years
Truth Club - Uh Oh
My Friend Shawn - un fair
Beach Vacation - Up Late
Alex Nicol - Working On My Tan
Scuba Dvala - Yoink
Aaron Taos - you won't...