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Jon Morrow - 1999
Michael Seyer - A Good Fool
Boy Scouts - A Lot to Ask
Micra - After Dark
Andrew kamen - Alone
Husbands - Ambi's Mom
Scuba Dvala - Anxious Eyes
The After Hours - Anytime
Hand Habits - Aquamarine
Brothertiger - Arizona
Far Caspian - Attempt
bb sway - Baby Wants Out of the City
The After Hours - Back Here Again
Josephine Odhil - Be Your Better Self
Yellow Days - Belong Together
Some Sprouts - Better Off
Sipper - bite
Holy Hive - Brooklyn Ferry
FirstWorld - Casanova
Goth Babe - Casita
Orchid Mantis - change your mind
Aaron Joseph Russo - City Sounds
Blue Wilson - Come Back Soon
Pleasure Plateau - Cortisol
Television Blonde - Daisy
BeR - Dead Dear (Deer)
Craig Almquist - Destroy, Destroy, Destroy
Atomic blue - Disco Baby
Walter Sprig - Dog Dayz
Indigo - Doho
Morning Silk - Don't Try Hard Enough
Marmalade Mountain - Drawing Circles on the Ground
Yum Yuck - During The Heatwave
Central Heat Exchange, Fran - Dusty Glass
LOMELI - Ego Dream
Daniel Hats - Endless Summer
Devotions - Excess
Slow June - Exeter II
Bunni - Favorite Place
HOMESHAKE - Feel Better
Sir Chloe - Femme Fatale
Boy Bjorn - France
Sexy Pigeon - Fuck Life, Let's Dance
Lunar Vacation - Gears
Tommy P - Good Day
French Cassettes - Good For It
Matt Maltese - Good Morning
Andy Shauf - Green Glass
Cruza - Groove Therapy
Nik Brinkman - Halloween
Macky - hello, who is this?
Palo Sopraño, Fisherman Jo - Hillside (feat. Fisherman Jo)
Far Caspian - House
Mezzanine - I Need You so
Hovvdy - I Never Wanna Make You Sad
Sipper - I Won!
Scoobert Doobert - I'm an Idiot
Slow Pulp - In Too Deep
Heavy in Pocket - Into the Dust
Art School Girlfriend - Is It Light Where You Are
Film School - Isla
Swiss Portrait - Jackets
Andy Shauf - Jaywalker
Highschool - Jerry
Swede and Skogen - Joker
Emmett Kai - Juicy
Sitcom - Kiss My Baby
Good Posture - Last Time
Oberhofer - Let It Go
Findlay - Life Is But A Dream
Orchid Mantis - light rays
Husbands - Liked to Party
Pasta grows on trees - L'impression d'y passer
Club Silencio - Long Run
The Voxes - Lost
James Casper - Lost Touch
Steve Stout - Make You Mine
Mother Sun - Marbles
Murmur - Me & You
Swim Camp - Melt
HOMESHAKE - Mindless
The Washing Line Economy - Mirrors
Mother Sun - Mycelium
American Wolf - Nano
Jordann, Munya - Naoko
Son Step - New Ears
Van Houten - Now and Then
Mumble Tide - On My Deathbed There's A Full Page (You Don't Get To Read It)
Charles Irwin - On the Floor
JW Francis - Only With You
Werwe - Otherside
pecq - Over and Over
Dirty Nice - Paint Your Nails Blue
Phony Bedtime - Paul's Small Dilemma
Whose Rules - Pieces
Far Caspian - Plans
Work Wife - Plastic Windows
T. Evann, Oscar Lang - Pointing the Finger
Black Marble - Preoccupation
Old China - PVMT
Pink Skies - Ride With Me
The Convenience - Saturday’s Child
Yum Yuck - Selfish Lovers
Kate Bollinger - Shadows
Vlad Holiday - Skinny Dipping
Phony Bedtime - SSRIs
Alex Siegel - Still Waiting
Nature TV - Summer Nights
Strawberry Guy - Sun Outside My Window
Phony Bedtime - Sundays
Mystic Braves - Sundown
Nick Waters - Synthetic Carnival
Sleepy Soul - Tandem
Shelter Boy, boy pablo - Terrace (feat. Boy Pablo)
Nation of Language - This Fractured Mind
Sam Evian - Time to Melt
Munya - Tonight Tonight
Basement Revolver - Transatlantic
Peach Pit - Up Granville
Ryan Bourne - Wasted World
Furrows - Wasteland
ZOO - What's There To Lose
The Dead Moths - Wild Birds
Sam Plecker, Steve Stout - Winnebago
Best Move - Without You
Thomas Reid, Fog Lake - Worn Out
Magdalena Bay - You Lose!
Hector Gachan, Butter Bath - You'll Find Me, Beija Flor